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Peace River Basin Service Unit

Hardee Education Association/United is the Certified Bargaining agent (Association/Union) for both the Instructional employees and the Educational Support Employees employed by Hardee County Public Schools. The Teacher Association was granted its registration in 1975, and the support staff was granted theirs in 1987. Since those dates HEA/U has been bargaining your wages, hours, and working conditions in the contracts that are in place today. This has been accomplished through an excellent working relationship with the School Board, Superintendent, and Administration. HEA/U is one Association, but each unit has a separate contract we negotiate in place. Changes in Florida has made it difficult to remain as an Association as neither the teachers nor the support staff has the required by Law 60% of the employees in each unit as members. This past year, an election had to be held to keep your contracts for 1 more year.
We don't know what future changes Tallahassee will make to try to take away your right to have an Association and a contract that protects you. Join today and save your voice and preserve your rights.

HEAU Officers 2024-26
President: RJ Decoteau
1st VP: Heather Lane
VP Membership: Sharon Ussery
VP Political: Kerry Fitzgerald
VP Professional: Dakota Richards
Secretary/Treasurer: Stephanie Douglas
members in need of assistance contact RJ Decoteau at or 863-244-2887
QR Code for membership application

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