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Peace River Basin Service Unit

Use this link for both teacher and support staff applications.

The Desoto County Educators Association (DCEA) is the Association representing both the Support Staff and the Instructional Staff in Desoto County. The teacher side was first certified in 1975, while the ESP side was organized in 2016. DCEA is the exclusive bargaining agent for all the Support and instructional employees of the Desoto County School System. We negotiate and enforce your contracts through an excellent working relationship with the School Board, Superintendent, and Administration. Join your Colleagues in Desoto and across the County as a proud Association member.

DCEA, FEA, & NEA visiting Desoto HS and NES

NEA President: Becky Pringle, FEA President: Andrew Spar, DCEA President: Jerry Mead and others visiting Nocatee ES after Ian visited.
Officers 2023-25
Jerry Mead - President
Andy Heine - Vice - President (Teachers)
Tarra Richardson - Vice - President (ESP)
Rosa Mares-Stainbrook - Secretary
Lois Heine - Treasurer
Members in Need of Assistance can contact Jerry Mead President of DCEA for further action. You can also contact any DCEA officer for help.
Desoto ESP Contract. To view or download click on the link below.
To join the Desoto County Educators Association. Click on the link below.

Scan QR code for application
Desoto Teachers Agreement. To view or download click on the link below.
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