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Celebrating 50 Years -  County Master_Gl


 President: Tammy Humphries

 Vice-President- Kristen Horn

 Secretary/Treasurer-Katherine Menedez


     MHES Building Rep.  Tammy Humphries


       MHMHS Building Rep.  Jackie Booth


        WGS Building Rep.   Vacant

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Glades County Teachers Association (GCTA) represents all the instructional employees in Glades County as the bargaining agent. We are the smallest local in the Peace River Basin Service Unit.  We negotiate and enforce your contract with an excellent working relationship with the Board, Superintendent, and building Admin. In 2023 GCTA received the Florida Education Association's Platinum Membership Award for achieving the highest % growth in membership in Florida. Through our work with the District, Glades County was the first district in the area to reach $50,000 starting pay.  We did that because we had over 70% of the teachers choosing to be members of GCTA. 
We have lost members to retirements and transferring to other counties, so we are now in danger of losing our certification and our contract because we have fallen to under 60% membership. Now is the time to join your colleagues in Glades and across the Nation.


Contact Info


Members in Need of Assistance should contact: 

President Humphries: for further action.

Glades County Bargaining Agreement


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